
IOS 环信3.3 发送单聊消息 第一次总是报错300或303 重新reSend才OK,求解答~

附上问题日志:[2017/10/20 10:14:28:627]: loadMoreConversationMessages with msg id: 

[2017/10/20 10:14:28:628]:  sql result: 9

[2017/10/20 10:14:38:998]: asyncSendMessage: 15084656764540007 retry = 2

[2017/10/20 10:14:39:000]: log: level: 1, area: 1, SEND:

{ verison : MSYNC_V1, compress_algorimth : 0, command : SYNC, payload : { meta : { id : 15084656764540007, from : 33_0/ios_e624bb30-16a6-448e-a7d4-d4947b5cf629, to : 2_0, ns : CHAT, payload : { chattype : CHAT, from : 33_0, to : 0, contents : [ { contenttype : TEXT, text : 123 } ] } } } }

[2017/10/20 10:14:39:000]: asyncSendMessage: 15084656764540007 trackerRetry = 2

[2017/10/20 10:14:39:031]: log: level: 1, area: 1, RECV:

{ verison : MSYNC_V1, command : SYNC, payload : { status : { error_code : 7, reason : inter-app communication is not allowed }, meta_id : 15084656764540007, server_id : 390416302797228012, timestamp : 1508465679075 } }

[2017/10/20 10:14:39:031]: log: level: 1, area: 1, ChatClient::handleSync begin

[2017/10/20 10:14:39:031]: log: level: 1, area: 1, ChatClient::handleSync complete: response

[2017/10/20 10:14:39:031]: asyncSendMessage failed, error: 303
