05-11 14:32:18.608 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:32:18:621]: [chatservice] start sticky!
05-11 14:33:04.543 1004-1004/com.demo D/JPush: [AlarmReceiver] onReceive
05-11 14:33:04.883 1004-1004/com.demo D/JPush: [PushService] onStartCommand - intent:Intent { act=cn.jpush.android.intent.RTC cmp=com.demo/cn.jpush.android.service.PushService (has extras) }, pkg:com.demo, connection:-1894629376
05-11 14:33:04.903 1004-1004/com.demo D/JPush: [PushService] Action - handleServiceAction - action:cn.jpush.android.intent.RTC
05-11 14:33:05.174 1004-1004/com.demo D/JPush: [PushService] Send heart beat
05-11 14:33:05.194 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:33:05:195]: [chatservice] start sticky!
05-11 14:33:05.234 1004-3569/com.demo D/JPush: [NetworkingClient] Received bytes - len:31, connection:-1894629376, pkg:com.demo
05-11 14:33:05.234 1004-3569/com.demo D/JPush: [NetworkingClient] Action - receivedCommand - cmd:19
05-11 14:33:05.234 1004-3569/com.demo D/JPush: [NetworkingClient] Network listening...
05-11 14:33:05.234 1004-1004/com.demo D/JPush: [PushService] Action - onHeartbeatSucceed - connection:-1894629376
05-11 14:33:28.627 1004-1017/com.demo W/art: Suspending all threads took: 10.314ms
05-11 14:33:32.340 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:33:32:351]: [chatservice] start sticky!
05-11 14:33:57.174 1004-1017/com.demo W/art: Suspending all threads took: 6.713ms
05-11 14:34:35.902 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:35:908]: [EMHeartBeatReceiver] onReceive EMHeartBeatReceiver
05-11 14:34:35.942 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:35:947]: [smart ping] post heartbeat runnable
05-11 14:34:35.982 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:35:977]: [net] has wifi connection
05-11 14:34:35.992 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:35:978]: [smart ping] has network connection:true has data conn:true isConnected to hyphenate server : true
05-11 14:34:36.002 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:36:005]: [net] has wifi connection
05-11 14:34:36.032 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:36:034]: [smart ping] acquire wake lock
05-11 14:34:36.032 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:36:037]: [smart ping] check pingpong ...
05-11 14:34:36.293 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:36:295]: [chatservice] start sticky!
05-11 14:34:37.033 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:040]: [smart ping] send ping-pong type heartbeat
05-11 14:34:37.033 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:040]: log: level: 0, area: 1, sendPing
05-11 14:34:37.033 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:040]: log: level: 1, area: 1, SEND:
{ verison : MSYNC_V1, compress_algorimth : 0, command : UNREAD, payload : { } }
05-11 14:34:37.073 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:074]: log: level: 1, area: 1, RECV:
{ verison : MSYNC_V1, command : UNREAD, payload : { status : { error_code : 0 }, timestamp : 1494484476220 } }
05-11 14:34:37.073 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:074]: log: level: 0, area: 1, NO unread queue, an response for ping?
05-11 14:34:37.073 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:074]: native_1sendPing
05-11 14:34:37.073 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:076]: [smart ping] success to send ping pong ... with current heartbeat interval : 03:30:000
05-11 14:34:37.083 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:077]: [smart ping] send ping-pong successes
05-11 14:34:37.083 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:078]: [smart ping] released the wake lock
05-11 14:34:37.083 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:079]: [smart ping] schedule next alarm
05-11 14:34:37.083 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:079]: [smart ping] current heartbeat interval : 04:15:000 smart ping state : EMEvaluating
05-11 14:34:37.083 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:080]: [net] has wifi connection
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:113]: log: level: 1, area: 1, RECV:
{ verison : MSYNC_V1, command : SYNC, payload : { metas : [ { id : 330367493937825856, from : @easemob.com, to : 15692179520#shendeng_wzy@easemob.com/mobile_mobile, timestamp : 1494484476262, ns : STATISTIC, payload : { operation : 2 } } ], queue : @easemob.com } }
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:113]: log: level: 1, area: 1, ChatClient::handleSync begin
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:113]: log: level: 1, area: 1, ChatClient::handleStatistic begin
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:113]: log: level: 0, area: 1, ChatClient::disconnect()
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:114]: log: level: 1, area: 2, cleanup() 64
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:114]: log: level: 1, area: 2, closeSocket() 64
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:114]: log: level: 2, area: 1, handleDisconnect:13
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:114]: EMSessionManager::onDisConnect(): 13
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:114]: stopReceive()
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:114]: log: level: 0, area: 1, ChatClient::disconnect()
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:114]: log: level: 1, area: 2, cleanup() -1
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:114]: log: level: 2, area: 1, handleDisconnect:14
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:114]: ConnUserLoginAnotherDevice
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:114]: begin logout ..
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:114]: EMSessionManager::disconnect()
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:114]: clearDnsConfig()
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:114]: logout complete
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:115]: log: level: 1, area: 1, ChatClient::handleStatistic complete
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:115]: log: level: 1, area: 1, ChatClient::handleSync complete
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:115]: notify state change to connection listener
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:115]: EMConnectionListener onDisconnected
05-11 14:34:37.123 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:123]: [smart ping] onDisconnected ...206
05-11 14:32:18.608 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:32:18:621]: [chatservice] start sticky!
05-11 14:33:04.543 1004-1004/com.demo D/JPush: [AlarmReceiver] onReceive
05-11 14:33:04.883 1004-1004/com.demo D/JPush: [PushService] onStartCommand - intent:Intent { act=cn.jpush.android.intent.RTC cmp=com.demo/cn.jpush.android.service.PushService (has extras) }, pkg:com.demo, connection:-1894629376
05-11 14:33:04.903 1004-1004/com.demo D/JPush: [PushService] Action - handleServiceAction - action:cn.jpush.android.intent.RTC
05-11 14:33:05.174 1004-1004/com.demo D/JPush: [PushService] Send heart beat
05-11 14:33:05.194 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:33:05:195]: [chatservice] start sticky!
05-11 14:33:05.234 1004-3569/com.demo D/JPush: [NetworkingClient] Received bytes - len:31, connection:-1894629376, pkg:com.demo
05-11 14:33:05.234 1004-3569/com.demo D/JPush: [NetworkingClient] Action - receivedCommand - cmd:19
05-11 14:33:05.234 1004-3569/com.demo D/JPush: [NetworkingClient] Network listening...
05-11 14:33:05.234 1004-1004/com.demo D/JPush: [PushService] Action - onHeartbeatSucceed - connection:-1894629376
05-11 14:33:28.627 1004-1017/com.demo W/art: Suspending all threads took: 10.314ms
05-11 14:33:32.340 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:33:32:351]: [chatservice] start sticky!
05-11 14:33:57.174 1004-1017/com.demo W/art: Suspending all threads took: 6.713ms
05-11 14:34:35.902 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:35:908]: [EMHeartBeatReceiver] onReceive EMHeartBeatReceiver
05-11 14:34:35.942 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:35:947]: [smart ping] post heartbeat runnable
05-11 14:34:35.982 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:35:977]: [net] has wifi connection
05-11 14:34:35.992 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:35:978]: [smart ping] has network connection:true has data conn:true isConnected to hyphenate server : true
05-11 14:34:36.002 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:36:005]: [net] has wifi connection
05-11 14:34:36.032 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:36:034]: [smart ping] acquire wake lock
05-11 14:34:36.032 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:36:037]: [smart ping] check pingpong ...
05-11 14:34:36.293 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:36:295]: [chatservice] start sticky!
05-11 14:34:37.033 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:040]: [smart ping] send ping-pong type heartbeat
05-11 14:34:37.033 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:040]: log: level: 0, area: 1, sendPing
05-11 14:34:37.033 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:040]: log: level: 1, area: 1, SEND:
{ verison : MSYNC_V1, compress_algorimth : 0, command : UNREAD, payload : { } }
05-11 14:34:37.073 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:074]: log: level: 1, area: 1, RECV:
{ verison : MSYNC_V1, command : UNREAD, payload : { status : { error_code : 0 }, timestamp : 1494484476220 } }
05-11 14:34:37.073 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:074]: log: level: 0, area: 1, NO unread queue, an response for ping?
05-11 14:34:37.073 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:074]: native_1sendPing
05-11 14:34:37.073 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:076]: [smart ping] success to send ping pong ... with current heartbeat interval : 03:30:000
05-11 14:34:37.083 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:077]: [smart ping] send ping-pong successes
05-11 14:34:37.083 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:078]: [smart ping] released the wake lock
05-11 14:34:37.083 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:079]: [smart ping] schedule next alarm
05-11 14:34:37.083 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:079]: [smart ping] current heartbeat interval : 04:15:000 smart ping state : EMEvaluating
05-11 14:34:37.083 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:080]: [net] has wifi connection
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:113]: log: level: 1, area: 1, RECV:
{ verison : MSYNC_V1, command : SYNC, payload : { metas : [ { id : 330367493937825856, from : @easemob.com, to : 15692179520#shendeng_wzy@easemob.com/mobile_mobile, timestamp : 1494484476262, ns : STATISTIC, payload : { operation : 2 } } ], queue : @easemob.com } }
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:113]: log: level: 1, area: 1, ChatClient::handleSync begin
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:113]: log: level: 1, area: 1, ChatClient::handleStatistic begin
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:113]: log: level: 0, area: 1, ChatClient::disconnect()
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:114]: log: level: 1, area: 2, cleanup() 64
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:114]: log: level: 1, area: 2, closeSocket() 64
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:114]: log: level: 2, area: 1, handleDisconnect:13
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:114]: EMSessionManager::onDisConnect(): 13
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:114]: stopReceive()
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:114]: log: level: 0, area: 1, ChatClient::disconnect()
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:114]: log: level: 1, area: 2, cleanup() -1
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:114]: log: level: 2, area: 1, handleDisconnect:14
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:114]: ConnUserLoginAnotherDevice
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:114]: begin logout ..
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:114]: EMSessionManager::disconnect()
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:114]: clearDnsConfig()
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:114]: logout complete
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:115]: log: level: 1, area: 1, ChatClient::handleStatistic complete
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:115]: log: level: 1, area: 1, ChatClient::handleSync complete
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:115]: notify state change to connection listener
05-11 14:34:37.113 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:115]: EMConnectionListener onDisconnected
05-11 14:34:37.123 1004-1420/com.demo D/ONE?SDK: [2017/05/11 14:34:37:123]: [smart ping] onDisconnected ...206
1 个回复
lzan13 - 慢慢来,一步一个脚印?