
TypeScript Interface vs Type知多少


接口 vs 类型别名 相同点

1. 都可以用来描述对象或函数

interface Point {
x: number
y: number

interface SetPoint {
(x: number, y: number): void;
type Point = {
x: number;
y: number;

type SetPoint = (x: number, y: number) => void;

2. 都可以扩展


接口的扩展就是继承,通过 extends 来实现。类型别名的扩展就是交叉类型,通过 & 来实现。

// 接口扩展接口
interface PointX {
x: number

interface Point extends PointX {
y: number
// 类型别名扩展类型别名
type PointX = {
x: number

type Point = PointX & {
y: number
// 接口扩展类型别名
type PointX = {
x: number
interface Point extends PointX {
y: number
// 类型别名扩展接口
interface PointX {
x: number
type Point = PointX & {
y: number

接口 vs 类型别名不同点

1. 类型别名更通用(接口只能声明对象,不能重命名基本类型)


type A = number
type B = A | string

2. 扩展时表现不同


interface A {
good(x: number): string,
bad(x: number): string
interface B extends A {
good(x: string | number) : string,
bad(x: number): number // Interface 'B' incorrectly extends interface 'A'.
// Types of property 'bad' are incompatible.
// Type '(x: number) => number' is not assignable to type '(x: number) => string'.
// Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.

但使用交集类型时则不会出现这种情况。我们将上述代码中的接口改写成类型别名,把 extends 换成交集运算符 &,TS将尽其所能把扩展和被扩展的类型组合在一起,而不会抛出编译时错误。

type A = {
good(x: number): string,
bad(x: number): string
type B = A & {
good(x: string | number) : string,
bad(x: number): number

3. 多次定义时表现不同


interface Point {
x: number
interface Point {
y: number
const point: Point = {x:1} // Property 'y' is missing in type '{ x: number; }' but required in type 'Point'.

const point: Point = {x:1, y:1} // 正确
type Point = {
x: number // Duplicate identifier 'A'.

type Point = {
y: number // Duplicate identifier 'A'.




以下是Preferring Interfaces Over Intersections的译文:



interface Point1 {
x: number

interface Point extends Point1 {
x: string // Interface 'Point' incorrectly extends interface 'Point1'.
// Types of property 'x' are incompatible.
// Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.
type Point1 = {
x: number

type Point2 = {
x: string

type Point = Point1 & Point2 // 这时的Point是一个'number & string'类型,也就是never

从上述代码可以看出,接口继承同名属性不满足定义会报错,而相交类型就是简单的合并,最后产生了 number & string 类型,可以解释译文中的第一点不同,其实也就是我们在不同点模块中介绍的扩展时表现不同。


interface PointX {
x: number

interface PointY {
y: number

interface PointZ {
z: number

interface PointXY extends PointX, PointY {

interface Point extends PointXY, PointZ {

const point: Point = {x: 1, y: 1} // Property 'z' is missing in type '{ x: number; y: number; }' but required in type 'Point'
type PointX = {
x: number

type PointY = {
y: number

type PointZ = {
z: number

type PointXY = PointX & PointY

type Point = PointXY & PointZ

const point: Point = {x: 1, y: 1} // Type '{ x: number; y: number; }' is not assignable to type 'Point'.
// Property 'z' is missing in type '{ x: number; y: number; }' but required in type 'Point3'.

但是使用交叉类型时,虽然我们的 Point 交叉类型是 PointXY & PointZ, 但是在报错的时候定位并不在 Point 中,而是在 Point3 中,即使我们的 Point 类型并没有直接引用 Point3 类型。

如果我们把鼠标放在交叉类型 Point 类型上,提示的也是 type Point = PointX & PointY & PointZ,而不是 PointXY & PointZ





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